1970 Imperial College Hindu Kush Expedition


This is a faithful copy of the expedition report written just after our return by various members. It was scanned from the original and the rtf format version retains, as much as possible, the original pagination, layout and type face. The map of the climbing area is smaller than the original but has been coloured.

To download a copy, just do a right button click and choose "Save" or "enregistrer" depending on the language of your browser. To read or print a copy, just click on the link, the whole report will download and you can scroll about normally.

© Like all the texts and photos on this site, this report is copyright, but may be used freely for any non commercial use, a simple mention of the origin and copyright status is requested.

As the contents page indicates, the report contains not only the climbing and travel reports but also a medical and geological report and an interesting summary of the Bashgali language provided by Jack Dozier.

  1. Cover photo.

  2. Photo page 1.

  3. Photo page 2.

  4. Photo page 3.

  5. Map of climbing area.

  6. A Drawing by Maggie Staples of the top of valley A.

  7. Report text (rtf format).
